Additional Resources
The following is a list of organizations that do work connected to social justice and reconciliation. If you would like to know more about how various forms of community dialogue and reconciliation efforts are being put to use, the following organizations are good resources to consult:
The Beloved Community Center, a grassroots, community organizing, community empowerment organization, which houses the Greensboro Truth and Community Reconciliation Project (GTCRP). For more information on ongoing justice activities in Greensboro, please visit:
The Greensboro Truth and Community Reconciliation Project. For a list of possible speakers, please visit: speakers.php, or contact Jill Williams (704.995.4547; [email protected]). For more background and information on the GTRC, please visit:
Facing History and Ourselves. For educational resources and information about high school trainings about civic responsibility, tolerance, and social action, please visit:
The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) works to identify reconciliation opportunities at regional, national, and international levels. For more information on nonviolent resolution of conflict and interfaith mobilization around human and civil rights concerns, please visit:
The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) assists countries pursuing accountability for past mass atrocity or human rights abuse. ICTJ works in societies emerging from repressive rule or armed conflict, as well as in established democracies where historical injustices or systemic abuse remain unresolved. To learn more about ICTJ, please visit:
Not In Our Town, a project of The Working Group, has stories and resources for community and school-based action and response to intolerance. For more information, please visit:
The Pluralism Project is a research organization at Harvard University dedicated to helping Americans engage with the realities of religious diversity through research, outreach, and the active dissemination of resources. Please visit:
The William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation at the University of Mississippi equips citizens to heal their own communities. Please visit: