
Suggested Reading

We suggest the following sources for a more in-depth understanding of the Greensboro Truth and Reconciliation process and matters connected to it:

Bermanzohn, Sally Avery. Through Survivors’ Eyes: From the Sixties to the Greensboro Massacre. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2003.

Bickford, Louis and Patricia Karam, Hassan Mneimneh and Patrick Pierce. Documenting Truth. International Center for Transitional Justice, 2009.

Hayner, Priscilla. Negotiating Justice: Guidance for Mediators. International Center for Transitional Justice, 2009.

Jovanovic, Spoma, Carol Steger, Sarah Symonds and Donata Nelson. “Promoting Deliberative Democracy through Dialogue: Communication Contributions to a Grassroots Movement for Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation.” Communication Activism: Communication for Social Change. Eds. Lawrence R. Frey and Keith M. Carragee. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2007. 53-94.

Magarrell, Lisa and Blaz Gutierrez. Lessons in Truth-seeking: International Experiences Informing United States Initiatives. International Center for Transitional Justice, 2006.

Magarrell, Lisa and Joya Wesley. Learning from Greensboro: Truth and Reconciliation in the United States. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008.