
Bridges Transition Model Tools

Guide to Diagnosing Stages of Transition
This chart is a helpful guide to identifying some of the more common reactions people may have when they experience community changes, some possible causes for the behaviors, and ideas for how to help guide people through each stage of Transition. It should be used as a general guide, which can be modified with your own list of reactions, behaviors, and intervention strategies that are specific to your community’s transition.
Click here to download the guide.

Transitions Map of Stakeholders
This worksheet can be a useful exercise to assist facilitators and dialogue participants in identifying the full range of stakeholders in their community who may be impacted by the changes they seek. It may be helpful to then think about the transition phase in which each of them might be. Doing so can illuminate how different people might respond to the initiative and can inform how change leaders approach these parties.
Click here to download the worksheet.

Risk/Loss Analysis for Stakeholders
This worksheet can be used as a tool for identifying the range of risks and losses a member of any community might experience when faced with change in the community. Even “good” changes, like healing racial tensions or combating homophobia, trigger losses. It is often the risks and losses that stakeholders face that cause them to resist change. In some cases, the potential losses are perceived to be too great and will prevent stakeholders from engaging in an initiative. In those instances, change leaders will want to find ways to mitigate the losses or give stakeholders more time to adjust.
Click here to download the worksheet.